Posted on behalf of  Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICS:

Community Mental Health Transformation Update

Theme of the Month – VCSE Co-delivery

Each month we’re focusing on a different workstream within the programme, and for this edition it’s VCSE Co-delivery.
Support Staffordshire and VAST have been involved in the delivery of the Community Mental Health Transformation since the very start of the programme. Both organisations work in partnership with the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care System to represent and support voluntary sector organisations that are involved with delivering the transformation across the county.

As the transformation of community mental health care has progressed, the work of VCSE organisations has become increasingly intertwined with the work of the NHS. As a result, both sectors have benefitted from shared learning, discovering what works, and what can be improved further.

At the beginning of the transformation programme, ring-fenced funding was secured by Support Staffordshire and VAST; this was used to determine what non-clinical support is best suited and has led to local VCSE providers being procured to deliver holistic support around housing, finances, health and wellbeing, along with support around complex needs, such as drug and substance use. The funding was also used to create a small grants programme with the Community Foundation for Staffordshire to allow VCSEs to launch projects focused on groups that historically struggle to access mental health support.

To find out more about VCSEs co-delivering the transformation of community mental health services, you can listen to Support Staffordshire Chief Executive Garry Jones and Lisa Healings, VAST Chief Executive, in conversation by clicking either MPFT’s Podcast or Combined Healthcare’s Combinations Podcast.

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