VAST Volunteering Quality Standards

Championing accessible, inclusive, and high-quality volunteering opportunities!

"The framework is easy to follow, and the targets are realistic. We have welcomed the opportunity to assess our policies and procedures for new and existing volunteers to ensure they can thrive in the most supportive environment. We look forward to working with VAST to find ways to improve even more!”

Millions of people volunteer in some way every single year, and for many organisations, volunteers are the backbone of their operations. Without them, the number of people orgainsations like yours support would fall significantly.

That’s why it’s important to support your volunteers effectively from the very beginning, and to get your volunteering policies, procedures, and processes right.

We’re passionate about volunteering, and we want you to be too.

So that we can continue in our passion to champion the huge importance of working effectively with volunteers, we have developed the ‘VAST Volunteering Quality Standards’.

Our Vision for Quality Volunteering

Our vision for the Volunteering Quality Standards is to instil consistent volunteer-related best practice across the whole of the local voluntary sector through structured and proactive support.

To make this vision a reality and to develop an inclusive and accessible programme, VAST Volunteering Quality Standards accreditation is free of charge to organisations based in and around Stoke-on-Trent.

Want to know a bit more before you get started?

It’s an easy four-step process.

Self Assessment


Plan of Action

Progress & Achieve

The VAST Volunteering Quality Standards has been split into three levels: gold, silver, and bronze, depending on where you are at the moment. But that doesn’t mean you can’t work towards a higher award. 

It doesn’t just award good practices either. It’s a proactive, achievable, target-driven action plan based on where you are now and working together towards where you want to be – an effective action plan based on achievable targets and clear priorities.

To ensure that the awards are as industry-led as possible, the programme has been developed by VAST Volunteering in consultation with local volunteers and the Stoke-on-Trent Volunteer Managers Network.

It provides a clear and easy to navigate framework so that organisations like yours can work towards the accreditation that’s best for you; the award that best reflects the hard work you’ve put into your volunteering policies and procedures, and the way you work with new and existing volunteers.

From beginning to end, our 1:1 support provides voluntary sector orgainsations across Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire with the knowledge and skills to recruit, train, and retain valuable volunteers.

We’ll actively work with you, your staff, trustees, and your volunteer coordinators to help ensure you’re creating a positive and encouraging environment for your volunteers to thrive.

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please get in touch and a member of the team will be happy to help.

You can read more about the scheme in the VAST Volunteering Quality Standards Guide here.