Posted on behalf of Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board:


FREE – Supporting GCP2 Assessments

Supports recognising low-level neglect and gives you the knowledge to understand the importance of doing a GCP2 at the earliest opportunity. Do you know how to contribute to a GCP2 assessments, even if you don’t work with families and children in the home?

FREE – Safer Sleeping Awareness Workshop

To increase awareness and knowledge of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and your role in the prevention and reduction.

FREE Unintentional Injuries among Children under 5

To increase awareness and knowledge of unintentional injuries among children under 5 and to raise awareness of deliberate injuries that may occur. Your role in the prevention and reduction of injuries. Note: this session focus’ on childhood accidents.

Level 2 Working Together to Safeguard Children Multi Agency Training

New members of the workforce who work predominantly with children, young people and/or their parents/carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening, and evaluating the needs of a child and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns.

NEW Level 3 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)Multi-agency Training

Update for level 2 certificate

Awareness of the impact of ACEs in relation to child development, behaviour, types of ACEs. The ability to identify and protect children who are both at risk of and currently experiencing ACEs, the subsequent effects throughout childhood and toxic stress.

Level 3 Learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Review Multi Agency Training – Update for level 2 certificate

To have the time to stop & reflect, to understand the history of reviews and their links to the legislation, to consider the learning from national/ local reviews, to become familiar with the CSPR processes and what this means for you! To apply learning to current caseload and future practice particularly in relation to analysis & decision making.

Level 3 Safeguarding Children and Adult Asylum Seekers & Refugees Multi-agency Training, Update for level 2 certificate

A half-day workshop aimed to increase the understanding of asylum seekers and refugees and how multi agency working can impact on children, young people, and their families.4

Level 3 Children and Domestic Abuse Multi-agency Training

Update for level 2 certificate

A one-day workshop aimed to increase the understanding of domestic abuse, its impact on children and create a greater understanding of the need for multi-agency working in order to manage safer outcomes.

Level 3 Recognition of Emotional Harm and the Impact of Neglect on Children

Multi agency Training

Update for level 2 certificate

To offer an opportunity for professionals to examine the issues for children who experience neglectful care. Develop the knowledge, skills and confidence of practitioners working in this area.

Level 3 Sexual Abuse Multi agency Training

Update for level 2 certificate

Increase participants’ awareness of and response to protecting children who are both at risk of and currently experiencing sexual abuse.


Please check our charging policy before booking onto SSCB training

Book here