Posted on behalf of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICS:

Healthy Ageing is a priority for both the Staffordshire Health & Wellbeing Board, and the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care System, and the local Healthy Ageing Partnership want to create a plan together. The ICS are hosting 2 workshop events on 28th February and 30th March, with keynote speeches from a range of leaders from across the ICS, along with Sir Muir Gray.

You’re invited to join at either of these workshop events to help develop a plan for Staffordshire with input from a range of individuals and organisations across the community, public & private sector, to achieve the following objectives:

A great deal of wonderful work is already happening and to want to celebrate and build upon that will ensure that everyone’s involved, and giving people the opportunity to contribute towards their own health & wellbeing, and that of others.

The events will take place on: