Posted on behalf of The Health Foundation

The nation’s health is its most important asset. Good health enables individuals to contribute to their families, communities, and society, and is essential for a productive workforce and strong economy. Yet poor health is being exacerbated by rising cost of living and undermining the UK economy. The nation’s underlying ill health is now the primary reason for the rise in older workers being out of the labour market altogether.

To ensure a stable economy and prosperous nation, whole-government attention needs to be paid to prevention by recognising the wider determinants of health that have a major impact on our health – employment, social security and housing.

Not only is this good for the population and good for the economy, but it is more cost-effective than NHS treatment and relieves pressures on the health service.

This webinar will demonstrate why we have to prioritise prevention in policymaking and outline the future consequences of not acting now.



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