North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust is running a survey asking about patients’ experiences of using the trust’s services during the coronavirus crisis

They would like to hear about the experiences of their service users and carers during the COVID-19 global pandemic and give the opportunity to be involved and influence how they move forward as restrictions ease.

They explain that it is important to them that they “have your views about how our services have been for you during the pandemic, so that going forward we know what worked, what didn’t work, and what was OK and not OK for you”.

All surveys are anonymous and there is no requirement for any personal identifying information to be given on the form. Information will be shared in a report format with the Service User and Carer Council, Directorate teams, Executive Team, and form part of an overarching summary report including other feedback to go to Trust Board.

To complete the form online, please visit the link below which is most relevant to your experience

An easy-read version of the survey is available here

For more information or if you have any concerns that you would like to share more formally, you can contact the PALs Officer on: 01782 2774031, 0800 389 9676 or 07718971123 or email [email protected]