VAST Vault – Sustainability

In 2019, 80% of the British public were at least somewhat concerned about climate change. The world is now about 1.1C warmer than it was in the 19th Century – and the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen by 50%.

Community organisations already do so much to help the planet without even thinking about it (think about how much food waste is saved through food banks) –  but now more than ever, it’s time to get keen about going green.

Sustainability News Feed

Sustainability Guides

The first guide is focused on the first steps to sustainability – individual actions that any staff member, volunteer, and trustee in your organisation can take to get started. It covers:

  • Actions you can take at home (like trying meat-free Mondays, using food recycling apps, and saving the bees!)
  • Actions you can take in the workplace, whether that’s in the office or working from home
  • Digital sustainability (did you know that if every Brit sent one less thank you email a day, we would save 16,433 tonnes of carbon a year – the same as 81,152 flights to Madrid!)

The second guide is aimed at organisational management, covering:

  • Your first steps towards Net Zero
  • Measuring your carbon footprint and assessing your current energy usage
  • Writing your environmental policy
  • Overcoming barriers to taking climate action
  • Communicating climate