VAST Membership Form

Organisation details

Organisation name *

Type of organisation *

Organisation profile *

Status of organisation *

Year established *

How many trustees are in the organisation *

How many staff are in the organisation *

How many volunteers are in the organisation *

Do you have a website? *

Website address

Who are your main client group? *

What areas do you work in? *

Which of these services would you be interested in learning more about?

Which of these services do you currently have with Vast?

Annual income *

How did you hear about VAST membership? *

Organisation address

Address line 1 *

Postcode *

Address line 2

Address line 3

City *

County *

Primary contact

Title/position *

First name *

Last name *

Email *

Phone *

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Please note that the information you have provided on this form will be used solely for the purposes stated and will be held in accordance with GDPR. Your information will not be passed on to any third party for full details please see our Privacy Policy.