Stoke-on-Trent City Council has developed a draft Library Strategy to set out how library services in the city are changing to meet the needs of local communities and to respond to the changing use of our library services.

It builds on the knowledge that our communities value libraries as places where they can access traditional library services, but recognises that access to digital resources and wider support that libraries can provide is equally important.

All libraries will continue to offer support to our communities in a variety of ways, providing broader advice, information and guidance to residents including IT access and support, job/work clubs, activities for children, young people and families.

The strategy proposes the continuation of six library buildings across the city, with the flagship new city central library, due to open in 2022, offering full time access over 6 days.  It proposes changes to opening hours at the other five libraries reflecting the days and times that those libraries are used the most, based on historic and current footfall.

Libraries have gradually increased their opening hours since being closed during the pandemic. New opening hours are proposed in 2022 providing around 200 hours a week in total, demonstrating a level that meets needs in local areas based on historic and current footfall.

Draft Library Strategy Consultation | Draft Library Strategy Consultation | Stoke-on-Trent